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Spring Cleaning on Server+Cathedral

Posted: Tue Mar 29, 2011 1:41 pm
by Hyp-
I've noticed fewer people on the server (I'm guessing school, but I hope it isn't a dead zone forever).

Anyways, I feel after looking at some servers that our server needs some spring cleaning. These are things that come to mind when I walk around

-Pointless structures
-Abandoned Houses/Buildings in wreck
-Projects being abandoned.
-Big craters/holes from digging and mining (guilty as charged)

The only two thing I'm guilty of is abandoning projects (I have not abandoned my cathedral in the UWC, but it'll be completed soon) and digging craters (even though they are designated areas to dig sand), but that usually never happens anymore. I did notice some good-hearted user tried to clean up World 2 (even though the Chapel Pinnacle was destroyed; it isn't a single block tower!), but other than that vain effort, it's a mess. So here's what Im proposing

-Move sprites (worldedit Foxtrot?) to different, more vast locations on the server (not cluttered up)

-Getting rid of all the abandoned structures near Blastoise

-Tearing down and rebuilding/Rennovating ugly/poor buildings

-Fix beaches and deserts, along with strip-mined moutains and blocking pointless tunnels

-Designating areas (via warp) where people can dig up sand/snow.

If we can do all this someday, the server will look a lot nicer and more presentable...

Finally, (off topic), we should put in a Spleef stadium either in Foxcity or UWC or near Tom's Tower.


Re: Spring Cleaning on Server+Cathedral

Posted: Tue Mar 29, 2011 6:51 pm
by yuki_fox_demon
i have to disagree with the rebuilding or tearing down of poor/ugly structures. that's subjective, and it might piss off whoever built it if they're still using it. also, make sure the buildings are abandoned. i myself haven't abandoned my areas; i just haven't had a chance to get on.

Re: Spring Cleaning on Server+Cathedral

Posted: Tue Mar 29, 2011 7:44 pm
by Hyp-
Well, I was planning on talking to Foxtrot of maybe "foreclosing" on these abandoned structures, putting up notices or fines for this kind of stuff (not tearing down w/o permission). There are things such as the 1/2 completed house next to my chapel that hasn't been touched since the first day of the server (Which I think someone got rid of).

Re: Spring Cleaning on Server+Cathedral

Posted: Thu May 09, 2024 1:46 am
by xenohitman